Feeling overwhelmed
💫 My feeling of overwhelm is not about having too many things to do. It's about not seeing a clear way out of the chaos.
Feeling overwhelmed is not about having too much to do.
Hear me out.
I’m behind on work, I have 2 doctor appointments in the same week, a high school friend is in town. On the way out of the apartment, I notice the water pipe is leaking. A puddle starts to form on the bathroom floor.
As the French say, I’m “sous l’eau”. Underwater, literally and figuratively.
The stress kicks in and begins to paralyse me. Sigh, it sucks to feel overwhelmed.
The magic button
In moments like this, I wish I could focus on only one thing at a time.
I’d love to have a magic button of perfect temporary focus.
Every time I’d press it, I’d get to work on one problem of my choosing with full serenity for 30 minutes. After the time is up, I could pick the next problem and press it again. Rinse, repeat.
This wouldn’t necessarily solve all of my problems, but there would be no stress and no overwhelm. I’d probably get more done and I’d surely feel better while at it.
Way out of the chaos
What’s the point of thinking about the magic button?
It helps me to see that my feeling of overwhelm isn’t about having too much to do. There are always too many things to do.
My feeling of overwhelm is about not seeing a clear way out of the chaos. Not being able to focus. Not having that magic button.
This is helpful, because there are things I can do to improve my focus:
Pick one thing at a time. I write down the specific thing I’m working on. I give myself permission to not worry about anything else. Out of sight, out of mind.
Pacing. I try to take small breaks often, before I reach my limits. A stretch, a walk, sitting with my eyes closed.
Stopping. Pilots are taught to sit on their hands when they begin to panic. I try to recognize the moment when grinding harder is counterproductive. Let the things fall where they need to land and pick them up in the morning.
There is no magic button, but we can try to build it 💫.
More on this
📽 How we attend to the world changes everything, Iain McGilchrist
📝 Getting out of bad state of mind, Derek Sivers. Ask yourself what’s wrong in this very second. Am I in physical pain or danger?
Postcard from Mt Rinjani
Rinjani on the Indonesian island of Lombok was beautiful and crowded. Climbing the volcanic summit is one of the major tourist attractions of the island. The summit attempt was a long queue of hikers and guides stretching over multiple kilometers.
But it didn’t make the view any less enchanting :).
Stay above water 💫,
– Przemek
The article appears missing a link to Amazon to buy that big red button..